The achievement level of the V cycle students, regarding the standard of learning: writes various types of texts




Standards of learning, competence, production of written texts.


The objective of the study was to determine the achievement level of the V cycle students, regarding the standard of learning: writes various types of texts. This research, considered as sample, 253 students from Karol Wojtyla and Antonia Moreno de Caceres public educational institutions. The research design is non-experimental and based on a cross-sectional descriptive type with a quantitative approach. In addition, the rubric was used to assess the text production in academic papers. The results were that the achievement level of the students from both institutions is in process, regarding the learning standard: write different types of texts. In other words, students have not been able to develop the competence: production of written texts, as expected.


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Author Biography

Maricela Soledad Laiza Cruz, Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos

Licenciada en Educación, especialidad de Lengua y Literatura por la Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos. Además, posee conocimiento y dominio del inglés. Egresada de la Maestría en Evaluación y Acreditación de la Calidad Educativa por la Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos. También, presenta experiencia en instituciones privadas de Educación Básica y en edición de textos escolares en primaria y secundaria. Asimismo, ha realizado talleres de Currículo Nacional y Planificación Curricular dirigido a docentes de Lima y provincias.



How to Cite

Laiza Cruz, M. S. (2020). The achievement level of the V cycle students, regarding the standard of learning: writes various types of texts. Educación, 26(2), 177–188.