The possibilities of global constitutionalism




Globalization, Constitution, Human Rights


 This research explores the possibility of the existence of a "global constitutionalism". To do this, it analyzes what the globalization process entails and what its impact on the law is. Subsequently, the incidence that it has had in the field of constitutional law is examined. In particular, it will be shown that the marked acceleration of globalization has generated that various concepts associated with state-based constitutional law have been modified, as is the case of notions such as "Constitution" or "territory". In this context, the academic positions related to the so-called "global constitutionalism" will be analyzed, and if this is a viable and desirable trend for humanity, which is usually characterized by the coexistence of different ways of understanding the world.


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Author Biography

Oscar Andrés Pazo Pineda, Universidad Particular de San Martín de Porres Lima, Perú

Profesor de las Facultades de Derecho de la Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú y de la Universidad San Martin de Porres. También ha sido docente de la Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos y de la Academia de la Magistratura. Especialista en Justicia Constitucional por la Universidad Castilla la Mancha (España) y en Técnicas de Interpretación Jurídica por la Universidad de Génova (Italia).



How to Cite

Pazo Pineda, O. A. (2022). The possibilities of global constitutionalism. Lumen, 18(1), 68–82.