Punitive symbolism in the prevention and repair of damages derived from protective measures





Family procedural law; Constitutionalization of family law; Due process and effective judicial protection; Social and family violence; Damage prevention and repair; Assessment of the victim’s conditions; Family conflict


The context of social violence affects the family sphere, generating a disproportionate increase in statistics in recent years, rendering the actions of the State sterile through its public entities. Public policies to control acts of violence within families are being discredited and the real reason for this failure details a fundamental defect: the State is assuming that violence is fought through legal, judicial and state actions, thereby avoiding addressing the true origin of extreme violence in the country. As a result of this situation, legislation is observed that is constantly modified, establishing more coercive and punitive levels but without addressing the facts that cause situations of violence, aggressiveness and lack of control of people in their family relationships, because in addition These have been transformed in recent years, generating a symbolic and dysfunctional regulatory system that negatively conditions the magistrates, because they are the ones who assume the social responsibility of dealing with cases of domestic violence.


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Author Biographies

Manuel Bermúdez Tapia, Universidad Privada San Juan Bautista

Abogado por la Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú. Magister en Derecho, Doctorado en Derecho por la Pontificia Universidad Católica de Argentina. Profesor Investigador de la Universidad Privada San Juan Bautista y profesor de la Facultad de Derecho de la Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos

Nuccia Seminario Hurtado, Universidad Femenina Sagrado Corazón

Abogada por la Universidad Femenina del Sagrado Corazón. Candidata al grado de Magíster en Docencia Universitaria y Gestión Educativa por la Universidad Tecnológica del Perú. Estudios de Derecho Internacional, 
Religioso Comparado y Humanos en la Universidad de Milán, Italia, Universidad de Montréal, Canadá y Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú (PUCP). Especialización en Derecho Dominio de 8 idiomas incluido el
quechua y manejo de la lengua de señas peruanas. Profesor visitante en la Universidad Autónoma de Chiapas, México.



How to Cite

Bermúdez Tapia, M., & Seminario Hurtado, N. (2020). Punitive symbolism in the prevention and repair of damages derived from protective measures. Persona Y Familia, (9), 55–68. https://doi.org/10.33539/peryfa.2020.n9.2334