Teaching-learning for diversity. An education pending in peruvian education


  • Francisco Coriñaupa Vargas Universidad Tecnológica del Perú




Diversity, inclusion, teaching, learning, methods, techniques, strategies.


To see the student as a unique being in every way, in any of its dimensions, is elementary to achieve learning, although today it is set up as a very difficult task taking into account the peculiarity of our current world and our country; But beyond the inherent difficulties of educating, that is the work of the teacher, who must see and help each of his students to discover the world of potentialities that has, always, beyond a label or a health or social condition.

To learn to see the diversity of the group and accept the peculiarity of each student, will only be possible through a personal change, and by following a few steps that will help to see the only thing the student: observe and pre-deal, investigate, experience and build.


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Author Biography

Francisco Coriñaupa Vargas, Universidad Tecnológica del Perú


Doctor en Educación, Magíster en Política Social, estudios de doctorado en Ciencias Sociales, Licenciado en Educación y Psicoanalista.

Docente universitario por diecisiete años, a nivel de pregrado y postgrado en diversas universidades nacionales. Actualmente es docente en UTP y UMCH.

Veintiocho años de experiencia en Educación Básica Secundaria en el Área de Ciencias Sociales en diversos colegios de Lima y provincia, como Docente, Coordinador y Examinador del Programa del Diploma de Bachillerato Internacional; también se ha desempeñado como Asesor del Área de Ciencias Sociales.

Psicoanalista en consultorio privado. Autor de una novela y artículos publicados en revistas académicas, periódicos y libros.



How to Cite

Coriñaupa Vargas, F. (2019). Teaching-learning for diversity. An education pending in peruvian education. Educación, 25(1), 43–48. https://doi.org/10.33539/educacion.2019.v25n1.1766